St Anne's Catholic Parish Primary School Newsletter

Issue 20 · 29 Jun 2018

In this issue

Principal's Report  Dear Parents, Friends and Students,, School Attendance and Unexplained Absence
Awards Awards For The Week, Congratulations to the following students!!, Isabel - Foundation, For beginning to write all of the sounds she hears in a word with confidence!, Ayak - Foundation, For consistently working on your reading goal to cross-check trickey words! , Ofelia - 1H, For working hard on having full stops and capital letters in her writing., Zoe D - 2/3CW, For making a big effort to manage her time and belongings., Nicholas - 3/4B, For being a helpful and cooperative student to his peers and teachers., Xavier N - 5/6H, For using his writer's voice to compose an excellent poem about Space!!, Jayden - 5/6S, For great teamwork during our problem solving time in Maths!
Dates for your diary Dates for your Diary, Mass & Assembly, Seaford Parish Youth Group, Market Day
Wellbeing Little Ears
This & That Staff Interview Questions - , KIDS ON KEY, Knitting & Crocheting Club , “HOUR OF POWER”              , Melbourne Catholic July 2018
Uniforms Just a reminder that all students should now be wearing their Winter Uniform, St Anne's Uniform
Parenting Information What it means to be an emotionally intelligent parent by Michael Grose 
Sports House Spirit Our House Spirit, Our house spirit is the program that the school has been working on this year to improve engagement of our students. The program is overseen by Mr. Bush with the help of the staff off the program. , This program gives kids a voice in the school. It involves our student leadership team and offers a sense of belonging to the whole school. Spirit activities are not just sport but can encompass the whole curriculum.

Published by St Anne's Primary School